Tutorials and Publications
This list has a number of notebooks with tutorials, examples, and reproduction of published results (some of these results originally obtained with this very library).
On the topic of explicit use of the Tableaux formalism for Stabilizer states
- Quantum coding with low-depth random circuits reproducing results from (Gullans et al., 2021). view on nbviewer.jupyter.org
On the Monte Carlo and Perturbative Expansions for Noisy Clifford circuits
- In-depth study of multi-partite entanglement purification circuits reproducing results from (Krastanov et al., 2020). view on nbviewer.jupyter.org
- Comparing the Monte Carlo and Perturbative method for noisy circuit simulations. view on nbviewer.jupyter.org
- Showcasing symbolic perturbative expansions of noisy circuits. view on nbviewer.jupyter.org