Graph States

The `graphstate` API is not considered stable

graphstate returns a lot of information about encoding a given stabilizer state in a graph. A different API is being designed that streamlines the work with graph states.

Conversion to and from graph states is possible.

Consider a GHZ state:

+ ZZ__
+ _ZZ_
+ __ZZ

It can be converted to a graph state with graphstate


Notice that the initial GHZ state was not in the typical graph state form. We can see that explicitly by converting back and forth between the two forms:

julia> using Graphs, QuantumClifford

julia> ghz(4)
+ ZZ__
+ _ZZ_
+ __ZZ

julia> Stabilizer(Graph(ghz(4)))
+ ZX__
+ Z_X_
+ Z__X

There is a set of single-qubit operations that can convert any stabilizer tableau into a state representable as a graph. These transformations are performed implicitly by the Graph constructor when converting from a Stabilizer. If you need the explicit transformation you can use the graphstate function that specifies which qubits require a Hadamard, Inverse Phase, or Phase Flip gate. The graph_gatesequence or graph_gate helper functions can be used to generate the exact operations:

julia> s = ghz(4)
+ ZZ__
+ _ZZ_
+ __ZZ

julia> g, h_idx, ip_idx, z_idx = graphstate(s);

julia> gate = graph_gate(h_idx, ip_idx, z_idx, nqubits(s))
X₁ ⟼ + X___
X₂ ⟼ + _Z__
X₃ ⟼ + __Z_
X₄ ⟼ + ___Z
Z₁ ⟼ + Z___
Z₂ ⟼ + _X__
Z₃ ⟼ + __X_
Z₄ ⟼ + ___X

julia> canonicalize!(apply!(s,gate)) == canonicalize!(Stabilizer(g))

These converters also provides for a convenient way to create graph and cluster states, by using the helper constructors provided in Graphs.jl.

julia> Stabilizer(grid([4,1])) # Linear cluster state
+ XZ__
+ ZXZ_
+ _ZXZ
+ __ZX

julia> Stabilizer(grid([2,2])) # Small 2D cluster state
+ XZZ_
+ ZX_Z
+ Z_XZ
+ _ZZX

Graphs are represented with the Graphs.jl package and plotting can be done both in Plots.jl and Makie.jl (with GraphMakie).